More companies than ever are now trying to ride the momentum of using influencers to help support their own sales and socials, rightly so! If you are considering using socail media influencers to help your marketing, read on. If you are being pro-active or reactive the opportunity remains.
Reactive : Is your company being approached by influencers who have spotted a potential opportunity to endorse your sports products?
Proactive : Or, is your business now proactively approaching potential social influencers who look like they are good fit with your brand and customer audience?
It is important to carry out due dilligence when developing initial social influencer partnerships. Focus on creating an influencer partnership strategy which allows internal stakeholders to manage contracts effectively; reduce risk, control budgets, manage reviews, access data, gain insight and allow tactical changes. A strategic partnership plan goes a long way to stop a bunch of issues arising later on, well before you get near developing final contract terms or booking shoots.
It is important to develop a "brand map" and then auditing any potential social influencers. Rationalise who would fit your brand messaging, shares your values and has connections that would support your communication style and reach audiences you want to build.
Create a social media partnership framework to manage social media influencers effectively for your company: This a 3 Tiered plan for social media partnership influencers for brands to manage easily.
Tier 1 : Have their own settled audience on channels, consistently fits your values with their communication output. These guys should be negotiated with personally, with their management teams and buy in to your story., Pay them a retainer to fit your top tier budget, and bonuses for built in contract goals.
Tier 2 : Are growing their audience in specialist sectors, they are keen to work hard to grow their audience, and more flexible than tier 1. They are likely to manage themselves. Pay them an agreed fee post a quarterly review, based on agreed output and coverage.
Tier 3 : ( The greenhouse ) Newbies how are really personable and great potential fit in specialist sectors, channels or with niche audiences that you are keen to grow. No cash, product only to a limit of agreed annual gross. Yearly review to see if they can surprise you with how much they have done, how easy they are to work with, how pro-active or conversely how much time they request of you.
How do we create a marketing plan with influencers that is going to work?
Planning a campaign using influencers? Start by asking your team a simple question.
"How do we make sure we get the exposure we need and the sales we want?"
What should guide your investment to using influencers, all things considered?
In my opinion, sport and fashion brands need authentic representation to influence in a positive manner to build brand appeal and ultimately sales.
Here are some top tips to successfully manage influencer marketing campaigns for your business.
Top 10 Social Media Influencer Campaign hacks for 2025
As influencer marketing teams grow, ( videographer / photographer / manager / stylist ) it is worth noting that your contracts need much clearer guidelines to reflect this. It is worth making sure your legal team consult with an expert. Influencer contract goals need to be achievable and realistic, linked to media coverage and affiliate terms for ecommerce results.
1 How should products to be photographed, or brand marks / product features be showcased? What time duration do you expect to see a product in a long form social media content ( Youtube ) and short form video ( Tik Tok / Insta Reels).
2 What does the influencer marketing team need to consider in any social media copy to maintain cultural and brand awareness?
3 Select potential social media influencers by developing a number of review measures to benchmark the identification process to rationally select an asset who meets your brand values.
4 Don't choose a social influencer because you can afford them, that's a no no. Do a bit of homework first.
5 If you are integrating partnership plans, review any existing influencer marketing or sponsorship agreements against an up to date evaluation framework.
6 Consider an influencer or sponsorship opportunity is likely to need your input to "their" content creation and you instantly give your investment more credibility.
7 A clear agreement should set out not just what, but how, when and with whom, oh, and where your product/brand/message sits perfectly with its target audience aspirations and buying trends.
8 Very few assets are created just for brands, most likely, if they are earning a good living, an influencer's focus will have been defining who "they" are and how they can resonate with audiences to monetise their content. They will need briefing to be on brand.
9 In lots of existing deals between influencers and brands there are a number of black holes in the selection process and management of partnerships. Many have grown from "goodwill status" to more complex partnerships. Nothing wrong with this. No problem, we are all learning, right? And, influencers were not influencers a short time ago! Set out your expectations and negotiate to see if they can be agreed, by both parties. No goals set? You are open to a pretty poor year end review.
10 To make sure you have a good chance of success, or at least achieving your goals before re-investing look at brand / product suitability criteria, media rationale and influencer audience analysis ( not just reach or followers ).
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